Sunday 24 August 2008

Download Dave Davies mp3

Dave Davies

Artist: Dave Davies: mp3 download





The Album That Never Was

 The Album That Never Was

   Year: 2002   

Tracks: 22
Rock Bottom: Live at the Bottom Line

 Rock Bottom: Live at the Bottom Line

   Year: 2000   

Tracks: 27

Although he took a largely low-level role to his brother Ray in the Kinks, Dave's violent guitar run and gruff only effective background (and occasional lead) vocals were key elements of the band's appeal. Dave besides from time to clip wrote songs for the Kinks that showed him to be a source of considerable science and card, if non up to the like degree as Ray. In the former '60s, Dave made some solo singles that met with decisive success in Britain, although they were unknown in the U.S. "Last of a Clown" (also included on the Kinks' Something Else LP) made number trey on the British charts in 1967, and the followup, "Susannah's Still Alive," besides did jolly well.

Dave began to think making a solo album, but after a couple other solo singles flopped, he seemed to lose heart and abandoned his plans (some unreleased solo tracks from this catamenia turned up on the apart Kinks moonshine Respectable Luck Charm). In the 1980s, Dave lastly began a solo life history in businesslike, releasing a series of mainstream rock 'n' roll albums and versatile collections of demos and outtakes that establish short critical or commercial acclaim, earlier his wreak was neatly summarized on Unfinished Business: Dave Davies Kronikles 1963-1998. The hard-rocking Bug from 2002 was his first album of raw material in virtually 20 years. Davies suffered a major stroke in 2004 and used composition and moving-picture show as therapy during the protracted recovery period that followed. The new strain "Graven icon in My Brain" was elysian by the fortuity and appeared on the 2006 compilation Kinked. In 2007 Davies released his first base full-length post-stroke studio apartment album, Fractured Mindz, on the Koch label.

Goatwhore << mp3 music

Thursday 14 August 2008

Babyshambles to release official book this November

Babyshambles are releasing an official rule book charting the history of Pete Doherty's band.

Out on November 4, drummer Adam Ficek aforementioned that the book isn't just about tabloid favorite Doherty.

"There's a lot of stuff regarding him and Kate (Moss)'s relationship, there's a lot of stuff regarding his view on the no-shows, his scene on drugs, his view on the arrests and persecution, relationships with band members," he told reports BBC 6Music. "But the good thing about it is, it's not a Peter playscript. It's a book from our position as well, about how it affects us."

Babyshambles' next has been left in doubt on numerous occasions, and the band has had several key line up changes since Doherty formed them in 2004 subsequently being kicked out of The Libertines.

Set to feature interviews and contributions from each of the current bandmembers, Ficek said that the tome charts the band's highs and lows.

"It gives you an insight into the kind of, like, the euphoric highs and the depressing lows of the band. And I imagine that's what is crucial about this band," said the drummer.

"No issue what veneer we assign on this outside it has really dark elements to it, real dark places where you think you're never gonna get out of and then suddenly you're touring arenas and it's the to the highest degree amazing thing in the world."

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Vladimir Ashkebazy

Vladimir Ashkebazy   
Artist: Vladimir Ashkebazy



Beethoven - Sonatas   
 Beethoven - Sonatas

   Year: 1989   
Tracks: 11


Friday 27 June 2008

Anton Nikkila

Anton Nikkila   
Artist: Anton Nikkila




   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 12

Anton Nikkilä started in the rock underground in the early '80s, switched to the observational electronica picture in the late '90s, but remained tucked away in a glowering nook of Finland all that time. In 2000, he and Alexei Borisov founded the label N&B Research Digest in an exploit to push their ferment below the eyes of music critics and criminal record buyers. It actually worked (at least in part). He is charles Herbert Best known for his use of Muzak samples in quirky pieces influenced by the Austrian scene revolving approximately the label Mego.

Nikkilä made his debuts in a number of Helsinki (Suomi) rock candy bands like Mietoherne and Swissair; the latter was the longest-running, persistent a decennium. Some of these groups make left self-released cassettes (a few tracks canful be heard on the compilation CD-R Pilottilasit: Samples From Helsinki Underground 1981-1987). One of his main collaborators at the time was Mika Taanila, likewise in Swissair, with whom he recorded the 7" EP Kytkentätaulun Valot in 1992.

In the 1980s, Nikkilä's groups played post-punk-influenced minimal rock with a touch of electronics and lo-fi aesthetics that foretold the post-rock movement of the late '90s. But when the style caught on, the artist had already turned to electronics, following the developments of the European techno picture. Teaming up with friend Alexei Borisov, he experimented with techno, bug, the naïve electro-pop of Felix Kubin (a.o.), and finally released his kickoff solo album, Formalist, in 1998 on the Russian label Exotica. The geminate started N&B Research Digest in 2000 mainly to release their possess projects. Since then Nikkilä has appeared on the compilation Geologists and Professional Tourists (a numeral of duets with Borisov), the aforesaid Pilottilasit, and has released his sec solo CD, Egg white Nights. He is involved in the Helsinki-based electronic music fete Avanto.

Thursday 19 June 2008

Season two of Mad Men sees the Sixties moving forward

TRULY MADLY: The first season of Mad Men � AMC�s surprise hit from last summer � is getting a replay on CTV here starting this Sunday in anticipation of season two�s debut on the A Channel in the fall as well as the DVD box set of season one is due out next month -- which would probably explain why you can�t throw an empty Johnny Walker Black bottle around here without hitting an ad or cover story about the show.

Flawed and inconsistent, even unbelievable, Mad Men has a pointedly selective take on the period when it�s set � the button-down, pre-Beatles early �60s, with its booze-swilling, philandering adults, cigarette-smoking pregnant moms and silent, seething youth. I love the show, flaws and all, which is why I can�t help but be intrigued by the season two rumours escaping from the set around now.

Late last week, USA Today ran a piece in which creator Matthew Weiner said that the second season will take place after what seems to be a popular trend in TV dramas � a leap forward in time. Shows such as Lost, Battlestar Galactica and Desperate Housewives have all hit the fast-forward button to spin their wheels and accelerate forward out of sticky dramatic spots, but Weiner says that Mad Men�s leapfrog won�t be a big one:

�The world has changed a little bit, but the stories will involve two things: One is that you have to live with the consequences of your actions, and (the other is) people don't change," he says. Viewers "will be seeing their old friends, but they will have new problems.�

Sorry to bum out the viewers who intend to make their way through the show for the first time starting this Sunday, but a little recap is called for here. In short, Don has won the firm the Kodak account but is alone on Thanksgiving; Nixon has lost to Kennedy, Peggy had a baby, and Dylan was playing on the soundtrack as the credits rolled, even though the soon-to-be-former-Robert Zimmerman hadn�t even arrived in Greenwich Village or recorded a note by late 1960. The Dylan, I suppose, meant that a hard rain was gonna fall or the times they were a changin� or something like that, which Weiner has just confirmed, historical anachronism notwithstanding.

All the main players from season one are in place when season two begins, but Weiner says that �you will know that something different has happened.� With the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis to help colour the background � I can�t wait to see how Weiner handles Kennedy�s assassination � Mad Men has a lot to play with before the first kid comes home from college with long hair and a copy of Rubber Soul and a few of the younger guys at Sterling Cooper get together to smoke some tea instead of swilling scotch to try and get a feel for the youth market.

See Also

Friday 6 June 2008

The Fratellis - Fratellis Lied To Boost Career

THE FRATELLIS frontman JON FRATELLI confesses to regularly telling lies in a bid boost his career.

The Chelsea Dagger hitmaker admits he was so desperate to secure a record deal, he told exaggerated the truth to make his band seem interesting.

He says, "We told lies to impress people.

"I thought that our real story - that we met through an advert in a music shop - was too boring, so we invented things to make ourselves seem more interesting."

See Also